Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are one of America’s original hunting dogs. Born and bred to retrieve waterfowl then and now.
The goal of today’s hunt test program is to test a dog’s ability to retrieve and trainability. Master Hunters (MH) must pass six hunt tests at advanced training levels in a variety of complex hunting scenarios. Successful breeding programs should use Master Hunters as a key building block on which to build a solid foundation; thus, preserving the heritage of America’s première waterfowl dog for the next generation.
Year #MH Titles Earned Avg age
2014 30 4.8
2013 23 4.9
2012 28 4.9
2011 29 4.8 *
2010 22 5.6 *
2014 Chesapeake Master Hunters
2014 Dams
Sugar-Twist Angel Of Marks-A-Lot MH; 1.9
Hill Top’s Stealing Cinderella MH; 2.8
Captain Thor’s Lulu Belle MH; 2.9
Roughwater Stacked & Packed MH; 3.0
Delaware Rivers First Flight MH; 3.2
Delaware Rivers Return Flight MH; 3.2
Treasure Lake Belle Of The Burg MH; 3.4
Westwind Milbridge Sunrise MH; 3.8
Whiskey Creek’s Walk In The Park MH; 6.0
Skyview’s Port Side Harlequin MH; 6.6
Hope Springs Double Puff MH; 6.7
Coventryhills Go Go Jasmine MH; 6.8
Blackwaters Double Trouble MH; 7.2
GCH-CH Spinnaker’s Autumn Breeze MH; 7.3
Aux Arcs Problem Child Brin MH; 7.4
CH Chugach’s Katmai Tazlina MH; 8.6
2014 Dogs
Rudy’s Chasing Minnesota Fatz MH; 1.9
High Tide Nor’easter MH; 1.9
Rippling Waters Fire In The Hole MH; 3.0
Shallcross Lake’s Little Rascal MH; 3.1
Chugach’s Thumping Jago MH; 3.4
Treasure Lake Wilderness Dream MH; 3.6
Oakponds Turbocharger MH; 3.8
Bonnemas Crossfire Trail MH; 4.2
Caroway’s Dakota Spirit MH; 4.7
Cur-san’s Dividend MH; 4.9
Sunshine Joliet Jake MH; 4.9
GCH-CH Pond Hollow Rocky Mtn Range Rider MH; 5.5
Redlion’s Big Jake MH; 5.7
Sugar Tree’s Sea Jetty MH; 5.8
Sandhills Rookie Of The Year MH; 8.8
2013 CBR Master Hunters
Ck’s Pay Piper MH 2.4
Lance’s Chili Powder From Caroway MH 2.9
CH Bayside’s Red Rock Love So True MH 3.3
Rippling Waters Shore Bird MH 3.9
Fireweed’s Sum-r-million Dollar Babies MH 4.0
Misty Morning Goldeneyes MH 4.1
CH Rippling Waters Abita MH 4.4
Pond Hollow Four Corners MH 4.5
Bur Oak’s Where’s Mattie MH 4.9
Ches-shores Pallisades Lady Kelly MH 5.3
CH Rippling Waters Tinkin Around MH 5.9
CH Blucollars Hocus Pocus MH 6.1
Cane’s Lil Decksie Brown MH 7.7
Cavalier Mosby Of Parker’s Creek MH 2.1
Elwood MH 2.9
Whiskey Creek’s On The Fly MH 4.0
CH Whiskey Creek’s Duke Chasceri MH 4.7
Pond Hollow Legos Point MH 4.9
CH Chisholm Trail’s Backdraft Bay MH 5.4
Boones Bobby’n For Ducks MH 5.9
Afg’s Captain Sonny MH 6.9
Slammers Bullet From Nowhere MH 7.5
GCH Quailrun Marnetts Dont U Wish MH 9.0
2012 Master Hunters
Leatherwoods Queen Charlotte MH 2.3
Grand Oaks Ain’t Just Blowin Smoke MH 2.7
Crackshot Columbia Ruby MH 3.7
Captain Thor’s Gracie Girl MH 4
Maniac Bluegrass Baby MH 4.5
Lpk Rudy’s Babe Annie Jane MH 5
CH Lpk Rubicon River Red MH 5.2
Abby’s Best Sportin’ Chance MH 6.5
Ottercreek’s First Lady Zoey MH 6.6
Waterdogs Paradise Angel MH 6.7
Longmeadow Byrdhouse Malli MH 7.7
CH Frosty Hills Seacoast Bullrush MH 2.1
Tioga’s Big Ponzi MH 2.2
Bear Chessies Tn Mtn Scout MH 3.1
Bear Kreek Grand Oaks 12 Guage MH 3.3
Fireweed’s Rugged Rufus MH 3.4
GCH-CH Longmeadow Call To Arms MH 3.9
CH Port Side’s Great Xpectations MH 4.4
CH Shallcross Lake’s Chaamp MH 4.5
Mackey’s Mason Dixon Dutch MH 4.9
Red Dirt’s Del Mar Grande MH 4.9
Nordom’s I Like Ike MH 5.4
Bur Oak’s Here’s Winston MH 5.8
Cross Peake’s Little Big Horn MH 5.9
CH Sugar Tree’s Master Charger MH 6.2
Hope Springs Hush Hush MH 6.3
Otter Creek’s Sci-fi Legend MH 6.6
CH Chesabar Faggards Red Cloud MH 8.7
2011 Master Hunters
2011 Dams
Ck’s Hawk Of Montauk MH 2.5
Colonial Crissie Wright Of The Outer Banks MH 2.8
Dare Devil Cooper MH 3.1
Stonefield’s Northstar Sally MH 3.2
Nordais My T Mathilde MH 3.4
Pond Hollow Tue Marsh Riley MH 3.5
CH Pond Hollow Congaree MH 3.7
CH Cal-i-co’s Mtn Island Morgen MH 3.8
Longponds Solo Tour Of Duty MH 3.9
Murkywaters Dixie In My Blind MH 4.1
Red Dirt El Diva Reina MH 4.3
Canvasback’s Af Coharie Coot MH 4.7
Ch Pond Hollow Arctic Ice Blink MH 6.4
Desmarais Of Cold Harbor MH 6.6
Ch Pond Hollow Rappahannah MH 8.3
Pond Hollow Bittersweet Zach MH 8.5
Ch Treasure’s Falcon Del Star MH 8.5
Ch Sanderson’s Lil Miss Amazin MH 8.5
2011 Dogs
Abby’s Diamond In The Ruff MH 1.9
Osgood As It Gets MH 2.1
Jackhammer Appalachian Express MH 3.1
Hardwood Valley’s Ace Of Spades MH 3.3
GCH Nuka Bay Mighty Yukon Red Gold MH 3.6
Eastern Waters’ Sea Dreamer MH 4.1
Blue Skies Chester MH 5.5
Cane’s Canvasback Stich MH 5.7
CH Happyfeet’s General Charlie MH 6.7
CH Rippling Waters Purple Haze MH 7.2
2010 Master Hunters
2010 Dams
Caroway’s Go Cubs Go MH 2.4
Cur-san’s Miss Percy MH 3.5
Longmeadow Punch’s Grommet MH 3.8
Blaze’s Renegade Riverdance MH 4.3
One Little Kiss In Georgia MH 4.4
Hope Springs Dowry MH 4.6
Sunshine Georgia Peach MH 5.3
Bertram’s Pillage And Plunder MH 5.4
CH Rippling Waters Seabiscuit MH 5.8
CH Lpk Belleauwood Of Crackshot MH 8
Cur-san’s Sacagawea Sage MH 9.3
Hurricane Abbygale Of Creekside MH 11.5
2010 Dogs
Abby’s Soggy Bottom Goose MH 2.2
Northern Flights Double Decks MH 3.2
Duck Bands Heavy Duty Dually MH 3.6
Dustins Duckbands Bettin Man MH 4.6
CH Smoking Scout MH 5.1
Westwind Whispering Cove MH 5.2
K-jo’s Indian Outlaw MH 5.9
Red Dirt’s Big Iron MH 6.3
CH Anubis Treasured Bettis MH 8.6
2009 Master Hunters
Lpk Delaware River Autumn Squaw MH-MNH 4.2
*Data may not be complete. Need help identifying chessies who earned their MH title in these years. Email website address any additions/corrections to the list.