Vinny can best be described as having a “happy boy” personality. Very sociable with people and dogs. His tail is always wagging and he loves to fetch anything that isn’t tied down
First Senior Pass at Port Arthur RC
With only one blind to complete his first senior test, Vinny took off like a rocket. He hit the water making a dynamic splash and nearly mowed down an old fence post in his way. He didn’t deviate from the diagonal line across the water and continued straight toward the blind coming out of the water. He faded slightly down wind, as he quickly progressed another 30 yards on land, was stopped with a single whistle and cast to the prize a few yards over. He sat obediently at honor and earned his first AKC hunt test ribbon
WOW Factor
Vinny seldom fails to attract attention wherever he goes. He’s 26 inches at the shoulder and 80 lbs of muscle. His intense gaze and confident swagger captures your attention. As does, his distinctive short dense wavy, rippling coat which sheds water like the old time Eastern Shore Chesapeake Bay Duck Dogs of yesterday. But, its hard drive or style in the field which really leaves many saying, “Wow!”