Angel Missing the 2018 Master Amateur


We will not be returning to the Master Amateur Invitational to be held in Missouri this spring.  Angel came in heat 6 weeks early, and it caused us to scratch from three Master Hunt test in January. She “just” needs three more MH passes to qualify. There were HT three tests scheduled before Feb 28, the cutoff date for qualifying, but one club cancelled their event leaving us with only two tests.

Granted, we had ample opportunities in tests in 2017. Honestly, we blew it on a few tests as a handler/dog team. Disqualified on the last bird of the third series on a couple occasions, our mistakes. We also got some bad calls from judges. My philosophy is sometimes the calls go your way and other times they don’t. It’s just a natural part of the of the game. Pass or fail, I truly appreciate and thank all HT judges for volunteering their time!


We’ve been family members of the national Hunting Retriever Club, HRC and our Chessies are dual registered with the United Kennel Club, UKC for 5 years, but we haven’t had many opportunities to run HRC hunt test due to our heavy AKC hunt test schedule. So, this spring is the perfect time to go after Angel’s HRCH title. Vinny is about ready to make his hunt test début too.

Enough said for now, time to close out the duck hunting season and get back to some serious training. See y’all soon in a field full of hunting retrievers.