It’s a Long Journey to the Master National
Not every dog or handler has the drive ….
2017 Master National Chesapeake Bay Retriever Participants
Females Flight C #91 Sugar-Twist Angel of Marks-A-Lot MH26 WDQ “Angel” Owner: Daniel & Carla Epperson Handler Dan Epperson Amateur 2017 Master Amateur Qualifier – Passed
2016 Chesapeake Bay Retrievers Master Hunt Test Titles Awarded
Congrats to all the Chesapeake Bay Retrievers and owner/handlers who earned an AKC Master Hunt test title in 2016. Males Bo Diddley Johnson MH CH Pond Hollow Going Great Guns MH CH Sugarcreek’s Thundering Shellcracker MH Cold Creek Amarillo By Morning MH Cur-san’s Big Country MH Delaware Rivers Storm Surge MH Fox Island Ray Of…
Chessie Master Hunter Titles Awarded – 2014 thru 2010
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are one of America’s original hunting dogs. Born and bred to retrieve waterfowl then and now. The goal of today’s hunt test program is to test a dog’s ability to retrieve and trainability. Master Hunters (MH) must pass six hunt tests at advanced training levels in a variety of complex hunting scenarios. …
2015 Master National – Chesapeake Bay Retrievers Qualifiers
(xx) = number of Lifetime MH passes at MN as of the Fall 2015 FLIGHT A A-142 Northern Flights Double Decks MH (43) “Decks” (M) Age 8.6 John Bogert Missouri MN Handler: Paul Lance MN Record: 2015-Ran; 2014-Ran; 2013-Ran; 2012-Ran; 2010-Passed FLIGHT B B-11 Bear Kreek Grand Oaks 12 Guage MH (11) “Gauge” (M) Age…