Going Blind
Imagine your retriever beginning to lose his eye sight at the age of 4 yrs old. At first he seems to miss marks thrown in the morning or evening twilight. Your concern grows and you schedule an eye exam at the vet’s office.
Up until now you’ve spend countless hours training him. Taught him everything a dog should know from potty training to master hunter. He’s matured, settled into your daily life as the perfect family dog, darn good hunting buddy and your best friend. The vet slowly delivers the bad news.
A couple more years pass by. As you reach down to pet him, he doesn’t even see your hand approach his head but nevertheless senses and smells your presence. He wags his tail slightly as you rub his ears, hug him and bury your face of tears in his coat. He is totally blind now!
DNA Testing
There is no excuse for this sad story to be played out in your home. DNA testing of the parents could have prevented this nightmare from ever happening in the first place. Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a group of genetic diseases found in retrievers. Physical degeneration of the retina causes progressive vision loss and results in total blindness. There is no treatment.
DNA testing for PRA is the best way to prevent PRA/blindness in Chesapeake Bay, Labrador and Golden Retrievers. OFA/CERF eye test can detect PRA during exams, however it’s normally not found until the dog is mature. So, as a buyer of a puppy you should ask whether both the sire and dam have been genetically tested for PRA.
Fortunately, Paw Print Genetics is now offering affordable genetic PRA testing as part of the DNA package deals they offer. You can post your dog’s results on your personalized Paw Print Breeder Profile page. Or you can also submit the results to OFA for inclusion on to your dog’s records. A small processing fee must be paid to OFA.
Its time to quit pretending it isn’t an issue across all retriever breeds. Breeding two dogs with PRA “affected” genes can lead to unintended, disastrous results. There’s no reason for a retriever to be walking around in the dark because man failed to see the light.