Rose Country RC – “Back in the Saddle Again”

Sure felt great to be back running hunt test (HT) again after a six month absence. Rose Country Retriever Club held their Spring 2016 HT on a horse riding ranch near Tyler, Texas. The scenery was beautiful, temperatures mild, and the sky overcast. As usual the club did a great job putting on the HT despite having to adjust to a new location. We entered the test with the intent of just enjoying the weekend, and enjoy we did!

Rose Country’s HT is the first AKC HT of the spring Texas circuit, and dogs are typically rusty coming off duck season which ended just a few weeks earlier. A solid performance is a good omen. Angel did a nice job. We have some things to fix, but not too shabby for our first test since the early Oct. Videos of her running all three master series of Flight C have been uploaded on YouTube. (click on underlined blue links below)

Angel -1st series marks 2.20.16
Angel -1st Series blind 2.20.16

Angel – 2nd series 2.20.16

Angel – 3rd series 2.21.16  

Angel – 3rd series final blind 2.21.16

As you can see from the videos, the judges did a great job of utilizing the area and setting up challenging Master level scenarios at the ranch. It was a pleasure watching dogs run; and visiting with old and making new friends. Honestly had we gone out on the very last blind I’d still been pleased. It was good to be on the saddle again after a hard fall.

On a final note: Congrats to my Dad and Maple on their first Senior HT pass at Rose Country as well. We’re all tired today but there isn’t any shortage of smiles. Brown dogs, ribbons and DQ ice cream pics will be posted soon.


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