Designing this website and making blog posts
It has been a fun learning experience, but making routine posts has proved to be more challenging. Blogging is a lot like exercising. Keeping up with both requires discipline. I’ll often find myself “thinking” about the next blog topic or run down the local trail. What is it that keeps me from doing either activity?
Well, routine chores tend to get in the way. Work(yard/house), paying bills, duck hunting and fishing, all seem to eat up the clock. Important tasks like retriever training and testing gobble up the remaining time. Countless hours are spent driving back and forth to training grounds, dragging all the training wingers out and putting them away, and providing the dogs with hands on training time. Finally, there are the long drives to weekend or National level hunt tests.
A lack of motivation has also been a problem when it comes to “blogging or jogging” too. Exercise is known to have its merits. Blogging not so much. There has to be a deeper reason than the excuse of not having enough time to explain why I’ve fallen off the bandwagon.
The answer came to me in a dream
We all have little demons within sabotaging efforts to improve our mental and physical skills. They love to plant seeds of doubt. Take for example, this little debate took place in a recent dream.
The demon on one shoulder says to me, “Why bother, who cares, about your exercising and writing? What do you have to show after the day is done?” The Angel on the other shoulder quickly responds, “There are ribbons, race clothing to wear on your fit body, and the promise of longer, healthier life from running.” The devil burst out laughing and replies with a nasty, mocking tone, “And for writing you get nothing!”
Ouch, the truth hurts even in a dream. It’s a wonder I have written anything at all. The Lord knows, I’m at best a mediocre writer. Like most people I’ve been programmed to work for money or fame. Not likely to achieve either writing.
Nevertheless, I told the little demon, “Perhaps you are right, but I’m going to keep writing for my own self-satisfaction.” The angel in my dream winks and says, “Write on Dan! It’s just like dancing in the rain when no one is watching. It absolutely drives the demons crazier when people dare to write their story when no one is reading.”
Write On
The next thing I recall is Angel, my dog nudging me awake. I smile, look at her, “Let’s go Angel and find some more about life to write about.” She glances over toward Vinny, seemingly rolling her eyes with a look that says, “Do we have to take that young, rambunctious boy too?”
“Yes, he’s coming too”, I reply. More dogs and jogs should yield more blogs.