The Master National or ACC Field Trial Specialty?

This question was posed on a forum inquiring which event was better to run in the fall of 2016. Here is my edited response to the question:

“I assume your question is hypothetical because your dog has not qualified to run the 2016 Master National, MN.  Perhaps you are trying to set a goal of running the MN or American Chesapeake Club Field Trial Specialty, Chessie FT in 2017? There isn’t a simple answer as to which event is “better” to run.  Let’s look at some of the factors which can influence your 2017 choice.


To run the fall Master National Hunt test Chessies must pass 6 Master test between Aug 1 and July 31. CBR Specialty field trial dogs on the other hand do not have to pass any “qualifying everts” to participate. Obviously, those who really want to compete for placement should be training well in advance and enter several field trials prior to the event.


Having to travel from coast to coast is a haul and can take days!  Naturally, having either event close to home can heavily influence your decision.  Got vacation time? If not, then you most likely will need a Pro or competent amateur to run your dog? Don’t let the “classification” amateur fool you.

The FT Specialty is less than 5 days and can be sandwiched between local FTs.  What a great opportunity to run a couple FTs in a week when available. A dog can enter the Qual and Amateur both for under $250. Your motel cost will lower if you are just there for the Specialty, less pre-training.

Note: The 2017 ACC FT is tentatively scheduled to be held in Virginia, and the 2017 Master National be held in Texas next fall.

The Master National (MN) is a much more drawn out or lengthy event. Thus, your lodging and meal expenses are higher. Some handlers also attend the pre-MN training (5 days) and stay through the duration of the MN (10 days). Entry fees run $400 per dog.


Are you pursuing one or more of the following titles on your dog:  MH; MHxx; MNH; QA2; AFC; FC? There is a world of difference between the requirements to earn a MH and FC title.  Every person has to decide where they realistically fit in event wise.  By all means experience both on your journey. Handler skills, availability of land and tech water, and finances come into play.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever, “Community”

The ACC Field Trial Specialty wins this category hands down! Where else can you get together with so many field trained Chessies?  Many wonderful people committed to the breed.  A great place to earn FT points and size up potential future breeding prospects.

Chessies at the MN typically make up only 2% of the dogs entered. You feel like a lone wolf among a zillion labs. Still it offers you an opportunity to participate alongside hundreds of hunt test folks dedicated to the advancement of all retrievers. A great place to learn and make new friends.

In closing

Deciding which is “better” is a personal choice.  I encourage anyone with a Chessie to train and participate in either or both venues.  I’ve never understood the mentality of criticizing or tearing down one venue to promote the other.  Our energies would be better directed combatting the anti-pure bred and anti-hunting hordes who seek to destroy our pastime.”